
The NQCC's governance structure provides rigorous monitoring, oversight, challenge and support for the NQCC's programme of activities.

How the NQCC is governed

The NQCC’s programme is jointly delivered by two research councils within UKRI – EPSRC and STFC. The NQCC’s core funding is provided by EPSRC. We are a national laboratory within STFC’s framework and are supported by its shared business services. The centre is headquartered within dedicated facilities forming part of the wider Rutherford Appleton Laboratory site, owned and operated by STFC, at the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire.

Delivery of the NQCC’s programme is overseen by the Programme Delivery Board, whose membership comprises the parent research councils and the principle officers, including the NQCC’s senior leadership team. The Programme Advisory Committee provides advice, support and challenge to inform the work of the Board. A Technical Advisory Group provides expertise and insights on the delivery of the NQCC’s technical roadmap.

Programme Delivery Board

The Programme Delivery Board (PDB) provides strategic direction and oversight of the NQCC’s programme and activities. The PDB is chaired by the Programme’s senior responsible owner – currently Liam Blackwell, Deputy Director of Cross Council Programmes at EPSRC – and includes the NQCC’s senior leadership team, senior sponsors from EPSRC and STFC, and both finance and HR partners. The PDB takes a strategic role in identifying and developing initiatives to aid the delivery of the NQCC’s programme. It monitors, manages, and addresses any risks or barriers that might affect progress. The PDB also ensures that the NQCC programme aligns with the wider activities of the research councils and the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Programme. The PDB typically meets once every two months, aligned where possible to key milestones in the programme or project delivery.

Programme Advisory Committee

The Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) provides advice, support and challenge on the activities and programme of the NQCC. With complementary expertise across quantum technologies research, programme delivery and technical innovation, this group of external advisors offers informed opinion to the Programme Delivery Board and the NQCC senior leadership team on the development of the centre. Meeting once a quarter, the PAC ensures that the NQCC links to related activities within the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Programme. It helps manage any external risks that might affect the NQCC’s programme delivery, and liaises with senior sponsors and external stakeholders across academia, government and industry.

Technical Advisory Group

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) provides impartial expertise and insight to help shape the roadmap and delivery of the NQCC’s technical programme. With extensive experience of quantum computing technologies and adjacent fields, this group of expert advisors offers an informed and independent view on the current state of progress, both at the NQCC and globally. Chaired by the NQCC’s Chief Scientist, the TAG works with the NQCC leadership team to review and update the technology roadmap and the centre’s technical programme, milestones and objectives. The TAG provides advice and challenge on technical initiatives, informs and reviews the acceptance or quality criteria for the centre’s key deliverables, and maintains the technical integrity of the NQCC’s programme and projects. The TAG meets twice a year, aligned with the approval process and lifecycle of the technical programme.

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