About us

The NQCC is the UK's national lab for quantum computing. We work with businesses, government and the research community to deliver quantum computing capabilities for the UK.

Our mission

The NQCC is a national centre that focuses on translating UK research into innovation. We are addressing the key engineering challenges involved with scaling quantum computers, and we are engaging with industry, government and the research community to support the growth of the UK’s quantum computing ecosystem. 


The NQCC’s programme is jointly delivered by two research councils within UK Research and Innovation – the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The NQCC’s core funding is provided by EPSRC. We are a national laboratory within STFC’s framework and are supported by its shared business services. The centre is headquartered within dedicated facilities as part of the wider Rutherford Appleton Laboratory site, which is owned and operated by STFC, at the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire.

Sponsors and partners

The NQCC is a flagship programme of UK Research and Innovation and an integral part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme. The centre operates within a wider landscape for quantum technologies development in the UK, and works with partners across industry, government and the research community to solve technology challenges and realise the benefits of quantum computers for social and economic development. 

Leadership and governance

The NQCC’s leadership team is responsible for delivering the centre’s wide-ranging programme of technology development and community engagement. The NQCC programme is assured through continuous monitoring and evaluation and through Programme Delivery board comprising of members from EPSRC and STFC, who provide steer and have oversight of the progress of different aspects of the programme. External oversight is provided by the Programme Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Group.

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